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APEC 4 Course Prospectus

This course will continue the detailed exploration of the Eight Extraordinary Channels and their relationship with the Twelve Bilateral Meridians and their corresponding Secondary Channels. It will include a further eleven protocols to access and utilize the energies of these Channels. Recognized by the UK Kinesiology Federation as 16 hours CPD.

Course Content

  • The critical role of the Extraordinary Channels in the development of the fetus
  • Further detailed exploration of the Functions of the Linking Vessels (Wei Mai)
  • Further detailed exploration of the Functions of the Divergent Channels and their relationship with the Extraordinary Channels
  • The Underlying Functions and Pathways of the Gall Bladder, Liver, Large Intestine and Lung Channels and their Secondary Channels
  • The connections between the individual Energy System’s Deficiences and other organs

Chong Mai
Protocol: Re-establishing the flow of Chi in Chong Mai

Dai Mai
Protocol: Integrating the vertical and horizontal planes of the body 

Chong and Dai Mai
Protocol: Balancing and Harmonizing the Chi Exchange between the Chong and Dai Mai

Chong, Ren, Du and Dai Mai
Protocols: (i) Re-establishing the flow of Chi in the Taiji Pole (ii) Balancing and Harmonizing the Ying and Wei Chi

Yang and Yin Wei Mai
Protocol: Integrate the flows of the Bilateral Channels

Chong, Ren and Yin Wei Mai
Protocol: Strengthening the connection between the Chong, Ren and Yin Wei Mai

Chong and Yin Wei Mai
Protocol: Integrate the functions of the Chong and Yin Wei Mai

Dai and Yang Wei Mai
Protocol: Integrate the functions of the Dai and Yang Wei Mai

Ren and Yin Qiao Mai
Protocol: Integrate the functions of the Ren and Yin Qiao Mai

Du and Yang Qiao Mai
Protocol: Integrate the functions of the Du and Yang Qiao Mai

 APEC 3 a pre-requisite for attending this course.

Contact Ann – extraordinarychannels@gmail.com